National Endometriosis Awareness Month: What is Endometriosis? How has it affected me?
As part of our series of ‘Our People’ articles, Fruugo would like to share Hannah’s story about endometriosis and the impact it has had on her. This ties in with National Endometriosis Awareness month which falls in March each year. Endometriosis affects around 176 million women worldwide, yet diagnosis can often take years. Below, Hannah shares here experience of endometriosis and also common symptoms to be aware of.

‘So what is Endometriosis?
It’s a condition where tissues similar to the lining of the womb grow in other places such as the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The symptoms do tend to vary. Some women can really struggle with it while other women may not realise they have it. It’s a long term condition that can have a significant impact on your life. There is no clear cause what causes Endometriosis
The most common symptoms are:
· Pain in your lower tummy or back
· Period pain that stops you doing normal activities
· Pain during or after sex
· Pain when going to the toilet.
· Feeling sick, constipation, diarrhoea, or blood in your urine or poo during period.
· Heavy periods
· Can affect fertility

How does it feel for me?
I can be affected by this twice a month in my cycle. The obvious one is when I’m on my period but again when I am ovulating. It comes on very quickly and I can feel when a flare up happens. My lower tummy will immediately bloat up and I get really sharp spasms. At its worst I struggle to stand up but laying still can make it so much worse. Movement and exercise is definitely my friend when I’m in the middle of it. Despite the pain!
How has endometriosis affected me?
Until I was officially diagnosed with this, I had no idea it was even a thing. I’d go about my day and all of a sudden it would flare up, but I would just put it down to a bad period, or mid cycle pains so I would rest up, take painkillers and make full use of a hot water bottle.
While I was on the contraceptive pill it didn’t seem to exist, the pill controlled it, but when I got to the point in my life where we wanted to try for a baby, it became a real issue. My worst time is when I’m ovulating, which obviously doesn’t tend to help with the trying for a baby situation
After a few years of not getting pregnant, we sought medical assistance and the long journey of fertility treatment began. It was during this time and following a laparoscopy that I was told I had Endometriosis. The doctor removed what he could during the surgery but it can grow back. As far as I am aware it’s still there! But the only way to diagnose it is through either an ultrasound scan or a laparoscopy.
Unfortunately I was unable to conceive my own child and I can only assume this was the root cause of it. The lesions were stuck to my fallopian tubes, the outer side of my womb and my bowels so in all honesty; why would a little baby want to grow in that?!
In the end we decided to adopt our daughter who is a little firecracker to say the least and luckily I have no plans to have any more children

Treatments for Endometriosis
There is no cure for Endometriosis, but it can be treated:
Painkillers such as ibuprofen and paracetamol (I find ibuprofen works better as its anti inflammatory)
Hormone medicines such as the Contraceptive pill
Surgery to remove the lesions
I’ve found as I’m getting older (43!!!!) I know, I don’t look it 😊 the symptoms/ pain is definitely improving. I still get bloated, pain spasms etc, but a couple ibuprofens tend to help me out. Unfortunately I cannot opt for a hysterectomy as I’m graded as a high level for getting cancer (due to losing my big sister to Breast cancer a few years back) so I take each month as it comes. Try my best to keep to a healthy diet and exercise ish.’
To find out more about endometriosis the endometriosis-uk site has further information and guidance on where you can find help or support.